How can the energybe preserved and how can we gather more?
We preserve theteyolia energy by limiting our emotions, our pleasures and our suffering; wethen gather more energy by learning how to ‘gohunting' for it, both in the waking and in the sleep states. This type oftraining can only be given directly and cannot be consigned to the pages of abook, because first students must learn how to transform those ‘heavy energies' that they go hunting for into a type of energy from whichto benefit. Furthermore, if the energy that is accumulated through this kind of‘hunt' were not to beused to ‘blossom' in this life (which once again would force usto exit the body through the liver), it would be totally used up in experiencesof the kind that would noticeably drive us to that type of death.
In any case, it ispreferable to use up the energy that has been gathered through this ‘hunt' rather than the teyolia energy, as in this way at least less energywill be dissipated in the course of this life.
Being reborn underthe same glyph, having accumulated knowledge and experience for at least 19lives (if not longer), does not mean that we will be reborn under the influenceof the same solar wave — which as you may recall is represented by a numberranging from 1 to 13 — nor within the same cluster of 20 earth days; equallythe time of day and the position at birth in relation to the Venus-Moon cycleand so forth will be different too. The initial conditions, therefore, will betotally different, and we will have a brand new opportunity: what will matteris whether we have accrued more experience as a result of the energy loss…which in any case is what happens regularly in each life of ours. We start offwith plenty of energy and no experience, while at the end we have tons ofexperience but unfortunately there is no energy left!
The path thatfollows the wheel of the different glyphs will come to an end when we learn todie a ‘glorious death', e.g., exiting the body at least throughthe heart to merge directly with the Sun, or when the teyolia energy runs outand we enter the Mictlan, the ‘place of the dead'.